Thursday, February 19, 2009

Work'n to Rule

Took Tuesday off to do a little skiing with the boys at Lake Louise. No new snow for a while, it was mostly groomers. Fun though especially since I won most of the races (pure skill… or superior aerodynamics, take your pick)

Forgive me for a short rant. Whoever decides on the school year needs to give their head a shake. For the last number of years we have had a week off in February. Sometimes it was a ski holiday, last year it was Costa Rica. It dovetails nicely with reading week for most colleges and universities too. Then this year they rearranged things so instead of a week off in Feb. two days of that were moved to October or something (I forget) so this week was Mon.- Family Day, Tues.- classes, Wed.- classes (well supposed to be, a lot of kids went on a school ski trip including Eric) then Thurs. & Fri. off. So you can imagine how much work might have been done on Tues. Rarely did we / do we endorse missing school but since Mike was home from University and Tues. was the best day for me we loaded up and made a run for the hills.

Apparently attendance over those days was recorded and will be 'taken into account' when designing next years calendar. Hopefully at least one or two of the board members studied math in school.


Anonymous said...

<< I won most of the races (pure skill… or superior aerodynamics, take your pick) >>

Smaller more athletic (and insane risk-taking) downhillers win the technical races, while bigger racers have an advantage for the easier races with less turns...

That's just how it is, Clayton. If you won on a technical 'course', you have some real bragging rights indeed!

Sodbuster said...

Well the front side of the Lake isn't what I would call technical... so yes, you are correct Hank. It was basically a physics lesson. Longer boards with a bigger rider creates greater acceleration. I try to keep things educational on days like this.