Thursday, September 19, 2013

Where was I?

Stand there with something in my hand, halfway to somewhere else.... now, where was I going exactly??  Blank on peoples names, was that two weeks ago?  The check engine light is on again.

BUT the show must go on!  This week is work, a few meetings, a dinner or two, and poof its almost the weekend.  If nice weather I have some weeds to slay, things to wash, or work on the garage, cars, ... yes still a list!!

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Drywall, First Cut

Drywall happening on the main floor, plans for the weekend to run a mower over the new verge.  A big tick list of items that grows slightly faster than I can tick - so normal stuff.  Progress though, and time to help some friends and do some Scouting / Silverland stuff.  Mountains will have to wait but they are on the radar for next weekend.  

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