Thursday, December 15, 2011


I make a todo list, do half of it... enough stuff backs up in the meantime so I need a new list. Wash, rinse, repeat. Its enough to make you bolt for the mountains!

Escape from things that go "ding"

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tonquin wildlife

A couple shots from the weekend backpacking trip into the Tonquin area of Jasper NP.

updates on Zenfolio soon. (by "soon" I mean eventually...)
I guess its worth noting that for a variety of reasons no fall road trip this year - unless by some miracle it happens in November to California or something... highly unlikely. So sad, I was on a good roll. However sometimes other priorities for the hard earned cash must prevail.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Random bitch'n

I've been doing stuff, just no time to process the photos... so...

But its all good. Everybody is healthy & employed or going back to school. Its the little stuff that is picking my butt lately (busted cars, appliances, work BS, overloaded on commitments that just need time to clear off, weeds,) & this post is for me to look back on & laugh after it all goes away with the breeze... (yup, wait for it...)

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer push

A quick shot from yesterday's photo shoot for the landscape portfolio.

Behind on my processing from recent hikes (Mt Lipsett & Running Rain Lake) plus a family weekend event, but I'm also behind at work with way too many balls in the air. It would help if designs weren't getting grabbed out of my hands before I can fully check them. My garden?? Mother nature has been watering it, weeds are shorter than the veggies (for now). So in other words, same old.

Yesterday was a good day getting around to seeing a few sites that have matured 3-5 years and getting Sheldon to shoot some video for use building marketing stuff this fall / winter. Hard to carve a day out of the busy schedule but I promised myself it would happen so got it done. Hope to do one more part day in August too.

Nearly August... have some things upcoming to look forward to including a long weekend so time to put that shoulder back against the stone for a bit. Roll'n roll'n roll'n....

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Volcano Ridge

By the time I do Clubtread & Facebook I sometimes forget about my blog. Anybody reading anymore??

Well, these are two of my favorite photos of the day in any event. A great day out for lots of reasons not the least of which that it turned from what looked like a foggy viewless day to a real bluebird. Stopped off at Vales on the way home for a little plant fix too... although I've been told I talk about plants too much so whatever. Not here I don't.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011


Tarda tulips finally popped today in my garden

Now that we are finally getting some nice weather & colors & such in the garden I seem to be shooting more. I am also forging ahead with social media at work & as such am 'the voice' of The Landscape Artist Inc on Facebook / Twitter which is inspiring me to shoot more too. Check me out over there, but I am also loading most of the photos I shoot for that at Zenfolio too, in my landscaping section. It is not very well organized yet but it's coming along.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Well I didn't even post in April... because I was hoping it was a bad dream and I'd get a mulligan (a do-over) but alas... we'll do what we can with May I guess.

The above shot was from a snowshoeing/backpacking trip in April that felt more like a winter trip.

You'll have to buy me a beer (or three) if you want the full story. Let's just say it was an adventure. I just noticed I never got around to annotating the album. Slacker! It's now on "the list"

Boys are home for the summer so we are looking forward to a ski day or two. It's been too long. Otherwise, head down.... work work work....>

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rawson Lake snowshoe

A shot from Rawson lake... snowshoe destination extraordinaire!

Otherwise many open loops finally coming together as winter ever so gradually loosens her icy grip. Must remember to enjoy these last few days of relative peace before all hell breaks loose in April.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shoot'n much?

No... been busy see? But this was out my office window. Nursery munchers.

Tomorrow setup & then Thurs-Sun. sell-sell-sell at the Home and Garden show. My twenty-second spring show, my how time flies. Of course I'd rather be skiing. Boys home from UofA & even a "free" place to stay in Fernie I had to turn down... oh the humanity! Got today in with Eric; it was puking snow this aft, conditions are outstanding. Sigh...

I have big plans for March though... more plans than month unfortunately. Must get back behind the camera, April things get BUSY.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Three for three

Third weekend in a row with a snowshoe outing...

Last weekend up to Stagleap Provincial Park with Bart.

This weekend Chester Lake with Shannon (shown here: her new friend)

I'm on a roll!

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Friday, February 4, 2011


New version of Lightroom, setup the export feature- check.
A random photo... I think I might start collecting photos of the random signs I see when out surveying.

Anyway, just grinding down the old todo list for stuff relating to writing/video project. I have way too many photos to wade thru.

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” - Pablo Picasso

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Foran Grade Snowshoe

Most of January has been work & getting the house in order (basement storage area overhaul, home office overhaul)... I've sucked in enough dust already!!
A snowshoe with the local Scouting types. Good day out albiet a touch wind/sunburned on the face.

Now head down for a short week before a 'long weekend' of hopefully more snowshoeing and shoot'n. I've missed getting out.
(A few shots on zenfolio, the 'people' shots are password protected in a seperate album however)

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