Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blue Bird weekend

A pretty good way to judge when a photoblog has jumped the shark is when the 'cat' picture appears... But let me explain...

Saturday was one of the best skiing days at Sunshine in recent memory. Not a cloud in the sky and almost spring-like conditions on the edges of some runs. Snow, legs, lunch, all good but I didn't bring a camera! Then today, another blue bird day... ten degrees says the thermometer but it was nice enough for shorts on the deck and everyone, especially the pets, got the lazies. So since my dog pics didn't turn out very well you get a sleepy cat pic instead.

Ok, yeah, weak... I'll do better next time. Promise.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping the skis off Fonzie...for now!

Anonymous said...

Your 'Jump the Shark' comment is hilarious, Clayton!

I was mad at myself yesterday for forgetting my camera on an unexpectedly spectacular day of cross-country skiing in some lonely badlands South of Unity.

I scared the livin' daylights out of a nearby coyote as I crested the top of a big hill - man did it take off runnin'!!