Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Already December, sliding a little on the updates - but actually not much happening of any real consequence.  Work has finally settled down to me and an occasional book-keeper and Mr. Plow (Jake) when it snows.  Plugging away at plans and website stuff and such and blast whatever music I want. 

House is stable.  Basement shall remain empty for now as we are still waiting on our DRP (Disaster Recovery Program) assessment.  They have some 'funny' ideas about how to do the rebuild, as does our insurance provider, and there is really no point in doing things more than once.  Plus there is an outside chance of another major flood before the proper measures have been taken such as the diversion - which could take years I suppose, so whatever.  Have to bide our time for a bit anyway and see what happens with the real estate market.  Maybe an empty basement will be a plus??  

Liking the new furnace, uses a fraction of the fuel the old boat anchor did.  Pushes out a lot more air too so even my den is warm which wasn't the case before.  

There are still many projects but more picky things like cleaning and sorting my trashed tools (the ones that were saved from the flood) sorting paperwork and other bits and pieces and figuring out how to store things for the interim.  Not the most fun projects but it keeps us busy.  No cable TV at the moment and not missing it much.  Every once in a while I would like to watch hockey but I've got books on the go.  I also have a pair of skis that are mocking me... perhaps give them a go as soon as this cold snap breaks. 

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