Friday, June 28, 2013

Re-entry plan rolled out

Early days but the re-entry plan has been rolled out ( the press conference was full of posturing and political rhetoric) and at the moment we are phase 3 of 9.  No specific timeline but I'm hopeful I'll be mucking in less than a week.  Finally some *&#)*(#ing news!

Current re-entry plan

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Thursday, June 27, 2013


Aside from losing my temper with a few people (The usual stuff that pushes my buttons, I was just not very diplomatic is all), just another day.

Supposed to be an update on re-entry plan tomorrow at around 12:30pm.   Hopefully good news.  Or any solid news would be better than the current situation. 

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What is a cubit anyway?

Insert your own ark joke here.

Another day of work and waiting. Picked up some groceries on a break so Eric can join me for dinner. Sobey's chickens - what would I do without them!

Blokland's (mayor) address indicating days, not weeks, with least affected in first.  Don't think that will be me but you never know.   I like timelines better than 'sit tight'. 

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2013-06-25 update

Just working and listening to updates on the radio. What little I have learned from a fellow working at the hospital is quite grim. I continue to count my blessings, I have an amazing support group & getting back into the routine at work has helped a bit to keep me occupied. Not much else to say. The wait continues.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Floodmagedon 2013

While I'm waiting for High River to be clear for re-entry I'm communicating with people over a variety of channels from FB and Linkedin to email and phones to even a hiking forum I frequent. To that end, once I hit the ground in HR it will be more difficult to keep everyone in the loop. So Gone Shoot'n gets resurrected as I can update from my phone to one place.

Specific replies might be best directed to my phone either as text messages or phone but email will also go there. Email me if you don't have that number. Once things cut loose replies and updates might be delayed.

I don't know what to expect once we can go. It will be slow and stressful at times no doubt and we must be patient and follow protocol. No point in getting electrocuted or something stupid. My neighbors might also need help even if I have enough so I'll do my best to be specific about help that is needed.

So at present I am at work staying at my bosses house. Eric is working until we can hit this and is staying with friends. Shannon is in Olds or Cochrane or at some point with me depending on what she decides. Tessa and Tazz are hanging out with inlaws in Olds. And lastly Mike will come help us when its go time.

Phone updates to Gone Shoot'n will likely be short but hope they help keep people in the loop.

Lastly, this might surprise some people, but I'm not taking a lot of photos during this. Of damage etc obviously, but I refuse to become a lookylou holding up efforts by taking photos. There's lots of that elsewhere if you want anyway.

see you in the trenches 

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Mobile blog test.

For updating from phone?? Test for echo. Type rest of the post here

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