Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fernie Bonus Days

April 17 & 18, 2010. The final two days of the season at Fernie. Great skiing with sun & soft spring snow with the favorite part for the kids being the hydroplane across the 'pond' at the bottom of the Boomerang Chair. We also had several big feeds off the bbq, enjoyed the hot tub & the company of our little group of reprobates. There were a few beer that survived but the scotch was not so lucky.

Rest of the photos can be viewed here

Ski season isn't over yet, Sunshine remains open!!! (I love spring skiing)

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

All Rev'ed Up

...and nowhere to go. Stupid weather.

Best quote in quite some time from a client, part of an email commenting on his design:

"Keep the front bed as per Design #2. (wifes name) likes it, therefore I now like it."
Gotta appreciate a guy who knows how to make a compromise ;>)

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scraps of Spring

In my garden this weekend, oaffus-doaffus dog & weather battered, but still a welcome splash of color

First a howling blizzard woke us,
Then the rain came down to soak us,
And now before the eye can focus -

- Lilja Rogers

Went to the Calgary Horticulture Society’s annual trade show yesterday & I actually learned a lot. I also got to meet up with quite a few nursery & landscape types who otherwise scatter to scurry around with their respective heads bent to their work the remainder of the season.

Quote of the day came when Ken Wright of Bow Point Nursery Ltd was asked in a seminar on native plants to comment on deer proof plants: “Deer are going to eat whatever plant is your favorite.” I thought that was pretty much the perfect answer.

I was going to go looking for prairie crocus today but decided to focus on a few other tasks like a landscape plan with a really screaming deadline & my hip deep office mess of just about everything that I’ve dropped in the past month.

As Eric had his Easter school break this past week I took a mid-week “powder day”. Since I finally have some backup in the office net productivity was unaffected as that day easily represented the time I would spend in an average past week doing stuff other than my job. Well, maybe one day wasn’t enough actually. Reaching that point of the year where the work outstrips even the most ‘productive’ week so hack & slash … onward I toil. Have a good week, & hopefully spring is coming to your neck of the woods too.

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