Thursday, June 25, 2009

Weed Kid

Shoulder the wheel & all that so I haven't been shooting much. Well I have some garden shots but IMHO my garden is looking a little neglected. To my eye anyway.

I need to hire this kid, or at least keep his number & look him up in six or seven years when he's old enough to labour. 25 cents a weed & 3 dollars an hour... I know I was working in a nice neighborhood but either that's a little steep or I'm totally in the wrong end of this business.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mt. Ware

June 13, 2009. Mt. Ware, 2125m, 17.4km, 534m gain.

Shannon joined me on this one & was very happy to summit. A good day out except for a total of nine ticks by the end of the outing (last two hitch-hiked home with us)

Mt. Ware is the nub in the right-hand side of this shot as seen from near the start of the hike. Bluerock Mnt behind.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Flagpole or Heart?

Hang around me long enough & sooner or later I'll mention Silverland.

When I stopped actively leading Scouts I started on with the board of directors for Silverland which is approx 18 acres of land west of High River which we maintain as a camp for local Scouting, Guiding, & other community groups.
Since this week-ends backpack went bust I figured I'd hit the stagnant todo list & one of the items was to erect this flagpole. Silverland now has a heart!

Some day I'll make a post of my favorite Silverland photos... especially since that ties into another of my todo list items...

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Windy Point Revisited

Well Moe was kind enough to offer some thoughts on a shot from the spring photo thing (Windy Point in Kananaskis) so I reworked that shot & then tried another & now I'm not sure which one I like best.

I think maybe this last one.

Well I'm hoping to get a few more shots along this line this weekend as the plan is to go backpacking (already pushed off until tomorrow) but since its trying to snow who knows. Yes its June... yes I know... sit down you.

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